Handy Tips: Lining a round cake tin

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Okay well was going to post a cake recipe but rather than having a 2 page method I thought I would begin with the basics.

After making a egg free and dairy free cake for my niece a couple years back and having half of the cake stuck to the tin and the other half in crumbles on my cooling rack I decided then and there it was time to put the effort in and do things properly. After 2 years of lining my cake tins it takes 2 minutes to line the tin, the cake comes out beautifully and is a breeze to clean.

1. So depending on the size of your baking paper divide the paper into 3 or 4 even sections just with a tiny nick along the paper. Two of these I normally use (as I normally make 2 tier cakes) and the other one/s I keep in my pantry making it just that easier next time round.

2. Begin to cut roughly the length of your bench, take the tin that you will using and roll the paper like a swiss roll around the edge of the tin. Getting an idea about the length cut your sections to that length.

3. You should now have 3 or 4 long strips of baking paper. On each one fold the long edge over about 1-2cm. Take your scissors and make cuts every 1-2cm along the folded edge.

4. Take your tin and spray it with canola or grease with butter. Place your strip around the sides of the tin rubbing the paper to stick to the oil, with the folded edge on the base.

5. Get another sheet of baking paper and place your tin on top. Using a pencil (as pen doesn't work to well on baking paper) trace the shape onto the paper. Cut out your circle shape and place over the top. This will keep those little tabs down and stop batter from seeping through the gaps.