
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Well here goes...
My husband thinks it a good idea for me to start a blog, most likely from the recent viewing of Julie & Julia, he has a few assumptions.

1. That I am as humorous as Julie Powell.
2. In time the popularity of the blog will rise and a hollywood movie will be made where Zac Efron is cast to play my husband and in light of my new haircut Jemima Rooper will play myself.

Well all those predictions aside I do bake 5 days a week and absolutely love what I do. I also feel the frustration of following recipes that just don't work. Who writes these cook books!

I also have acquired a new Sony A390 SLR camera! This is much to my excitement! Here goes, I guess I would like to be a regular blogger who will try to put the procrastination aside and give you readers a treasure of recipes: true, tried and yummy!

Over and out.