Happy Birthdays

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Okay I have about 3 posts ready to go I just need some photos. Got so busy this week that I didn't get a chance to take pictures. Which is a little disapointing as I made so much this week, along with that as well is I decided to try a new creme brulee recipe for my birthday - ah no. It wasn't anywhere near as nice as the original one I found, I managed to salvage it for my lovely birthday dinner but it went all bubbly on top and then sunk. It didn't taste terrible but it didn't look good, also it had brown sugar instead of caster which meant it was hard to cover the top because brown sugar clumps.

I did get a cute photo of my neice Hannah helping me.

And this is right before she decided to find out why that blue flame was making my brown sugar melt by putting her finger directly under...oww! Thankfully she made it unharmed but wasn't enjoying the process as much and let Aunty take over soon after.

So coming soon: pecan pie, blender banana bread and an interesting experiment of mine.